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Embark on a philosophical journey, join PHILOSORAPTOR $VELOCI!

Philosoraptor is a collection of image macros featuring a Velociraptor illustration accompanied by captions that portray the dinosaur as being engrossed in deep philosophical musings or attempting to solve peculiar paradoxes.
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This memecoin is a goldmine for meme creators and enthusiasts alike.

With Philosoraptor as our mascot, we've got endless possibilities for hilarious and thought-provoking memes. Just imagine the possibilities. We could have Philosoraptor pondering the meaning of life while holding a bag of PHILOSORAPTOR $VELOCI. Or maybe he's sitting on a pile of cash, contemplating the value of our memecoin. The possibilities are endless.
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And with the backing of the meme community

we're sure to see some amazing memes come out of this project. We're already seeing some great ones on social media, and we can't wait to see what else people come up with.
rainbow mountain digital art made by humans

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